15 Fascinating Quotes on Mental Health
Love is a serious mental disease.
― Plato

I'm not a big fan of psychoanalysis: I think if you have
mental problems what you need are good pills. But I do
think that if you have things that bother you, things that
are unresolved, the more that you talk about them,
write about them, the less serious they become.
― Stephen King
If the national mental illness of the United States
is megalomania, that of Canada is paranoid schizophrenia.
― Margaret Atwood
In the past, men created witches: now
they create mental patients.
― Thomas Szasz
When you've been locked up in a mental institution,
people are going to ask questions. It was OK,
because I didn't have to act perfect all the time.
― Drew Barrymore
“I wanted to tell her that if only something were wrong
with my body it would be fine, I would rather have
anything wrong with my body than something wrong
with my head, but the idea seemed so involved and
wearisome that I didn’t say anything.
I only burrowed down further in the bed.”
― Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

“depression in its major stages possesses no
quickly available remedy: failure of alleviation
is one of the most distressing factors of the disorder
as it reveals itself to the victim, and one that helps
situate it squarely in the category of grave diseases.”
― William Styron, Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness

“My life isn't good or bad. It's an incredible series
of emotional and mental extremes, with beautiful
thunderstorms and stunning sunrises.
Some would say this is my artistic temperament.
Others would say i am mentally ill or bipolar.
I SAY... it's a bit of both and i make the most
of them, CREATIVELY.”
― Jaeda DeWalt
“Bipolar illness, manic depression, manic-depressive
illness, manic-depressive psychosis. That’s a nice way
of saying you will feel so high that no street drug can
compete and you will feel so low that you wish you had
been hit by a Mack truck instead.”
― Christine F. Anderson, Forever Different: A Memoir of
One Woman's Journey Living with Bipolar Disorder

“I get absolutely shitfaced. I am shitfaced and hyper
and ten years old. I am having the time of my life.”
― Marya Hornbacher, Madness: A Bipolar Life
“People with BPD are like people with third degree
burns over 90% of their bodies. Lacking emotional
skin, they feel agony at the slightest touch or movement.”
― Marsha Linehan
“My heart keeps begging me for a reason to keep
beating, but I'm running out of lies to tell it”
― Stephanie Ware

“Depression: the healthy suspicion that modern
life has no meaning and that modern society
is absurd and alienating.”
― Neel Burton, The Meaning of Madness
Sometimes the appropriate response
to reality is to go insane.
― Philip K. Dick
“If being sane is thinking there's something wrong with
being different....I'd rather be completely fucking mental.”
― Angelina Jolie

Bipolar humour

If you're bipolar and you're taking medication,
this will probably make you smile. It may also
invoke a moment of "been there, done that".
Being bipolar means i am, relative to most people,
living in an altered state. When one takes medication,
one is also living in an altered state- albeit one that
allows one to function more better, more often.
That's the theory anyway, and for many of us,
it holds true more often than not.
But from time to time, one can't help but wonder
"Who am I really?". Who am I when I'm not on drugs?
Does the world still affect me the same way it used to
before the medication? What am I really feeling?
Compliance, for me, is a matter of percentages.
The longer I live with this diagnosis and the longer
I take medication, the more I become aware of how
it's affecting me. There's also a resentment factor that
creeps in along the way... something along the lines
of "fuck this- other people don't have to take drugs
every day just to be who they (sort of) are. Other
people don't have to spend $200 every month just
to be a human being.
Childish, I guess... but nonetheless real (sic).
Bipolar Humour 2
(or should that be Bipolar 2 Humour?)
I'm at my shrinks' for my regular appointment
to get my meds renewed and we're running the
checklist of usual questions.
He gets to the one about suicide:
"Any thoughts recently about self-destruction?"
"No more than usual".
There's a pause. We both smile
and move on to the next question.
Another example..
and the beat goes on.
Bipolar - what's wrong with this picture?
When you do an image search for "bipolar",
you get a lot of pictures like these...
i know that a broader dialogue and awareness
about bipolar and other such topics is better
than silence and shame and blah, blah...
about bipolar and other such topics is better
than silence and shame and blah, blah...
... and i'm willing to believe that the people
who created these images - and the thousands
of others quite like them - mean well, and are trying
to get people to feel the pain a little, and it's hard
to express something so inexpressible...
who created these images - and the thousands
of others quite like them - mean well, and are trying
to get people to feel the pain a little, and it's hard
to express something so inexpressible...
... but as somebody ten years down the road
of the diagnosed... with some experience
in the creation of images and communicating
about challenging topics...
of the diagnosed... with some experience
in the creation of images and communicating
about challenging topics...
i really don't like them.
on a bad day, i frikin' hate them.
on a bad day, i frikin' hate them.
for starters, because they are wrong.
for starters, because they are wrong.
they are all about the extremes.
the 'crazy high' and the deepest darkest of the lows.
and that's not how it is. most of la vida bipolar,
in my experience, is lived between these edges.
the 'crazy high' and the deepest darkest of the lows.
and that's not how it is. most of la vida bipolar,
in my experience, is lived between these edges.
by portraying the extremes, they misrepresent
the reality of bipolar living.
by going for the drama, they misrepresent that reality
to those who do not know any better.
the reality of bipolar living.
by going for the drama, they misrepresent that reality
to those who do not know any better.
there is no line running down the middle of my life
or the lives of the bipolar people i know.
it's not on or off.
it's not digital.
it's not that simple.
or the lives of the bipolar people i know.
it's not on or off.
it's not digital.
it's not that simple.
it's a continuum.
and scary pictures don't help anybody.
Seeking asylum
i have this habit... well i have a lot of habits,
but the one on my mind today goes back
to studying literature i guess.
i like to look words up in the dictionary.
a good dictionary.
a dictionary like the Oxford, where you get
the definitions of the word but you also get
a sense of where the word came from,
and how it came to be....
so today i looked up...
Pronunciation: /əˈsʌɪləm/
1. [mass noun] (also political asylum) the protection
granted by a state to someone who has left their home
country as a political refugee:she applied for asylum
and was granted refugee status
[as modifier] : his asylum application was refused shelter
or protection from danger
: we provide asylum for those too ill to care for themselves
granted by a state to someone who has left their home
country as a political refugee:she applied for asylum
and was granted refugee status
[as modifier] : his asylum application was refused shelter
or protection from danger
: we provide asylum for those too ill to care for themselves
2. (dated) an institution for the care of people
who are mentally ill: he’d been committed to an asylum
who are mentally ill: he’d been committed to an asylum
Origin: late Middle English (in the sense 'place of refuge',
especially for criminals): via Latin from Greek asulon 'refuge', from asulos 'inviolable', from a- 'without' + sulon 'right of seizure'.
Current senses date from the 18th century.
especially for criminals): via Latin from Greek asulon 'refuge', from asulos 'inviolable', from a- 'without' + sulon 'right of seizure'.
Current senses date from the 18th century.
It was more than a romantic 'thing' about language
that got me into this habit. It was a powerful curiousity,
informed by my ongoing (and seemingly endless) problems
dealing with reality, as it is commonly understood.
Words, and ergo language are the building blocks
of thought, and thought is reality.
So if one (ie- me) was having problems with "reality",
or if "reality" was having problems with me,
going back to the source and double-checking what exactly
something was supposed to mean might help.
And it has. It does.
that got me into this habit. It was a powerful curiousity,
informed by my ongoing (and seemingly endless) problems
dealing with reality, as it is commonly understood.
Words, and ergo language are the building blocks
of thought, and thought is reality.
So if one (ie- me) was having problems with "reality",
or if "reality" was having problems with me,
going back to the source and double-checking what exactly
something was supposed to mean might help.
And it has. It does.
"the protection granted by a state
to someone
who has left their home country"
Is it just me, or is there something terribly poignant
about this idea? And although the notion of mental
illness does not come up until "2", is there not something
of the mentally different intrinsic in this primary definition?
Isn't "reality" something we all like to think of as
our home country? Even before we get to the idea
of nation or home, isn't the idea of reality something
we'd all like to think we share?
Because if we don't, aren't we conjuring a kind of loneliness
so profound as to be almost unbearable?
who has left their home country"
Is it just me, or is there something terribly poignant
about this idea? And although the notion of mental
illness does not come up until "2", is there not something
of the mentally different intrinsic in this primary definition?
Isn't "reality" something we all like to think of as
our home country? Even before we get to the idea
of nation or home, isn't the idea of reality something
we'd all like to think we share?
Because if we don't, aren't we conjuring a kind of loneliness
so profound as to be almost unbearable?
How much lonelier could life be than that?
How much greater need could there be for "asylums"?
How much greater need could there be for "asylums"?
And while we all know that there are more horror stories
than we care to consider about the lives that so many lived
in these facilities now only thought of as haunting and haunted, abandoned and gone....
than we care to consider about the lives that so many lived
in these facilities now only thought of as haunting and haunted, abandoned and gone....
...wasn't there something noble in such grand
attempts to help?
As always, the impulse behind these institutions
outlived the commitment, and they became over-crowded
and fell further and further behind in their ability to help.
They became dumping grounds for unwanted people,
and were misused and subject to the whims of fashion,
to where an ice-pick could be seen as a cure-all
and where fewer and fewer cared about what a "cure"
might mean to the one undergoing it.
attempts to help?
As always, the impulse behind these institutions
outlived the commitment, and they became over-crowded
and fell further and further behind in their ability to help.
They became dumping grounds for unwanted people,
and were misused and subject to the whims of fashion,
to where an ice-pick could be seen as a cure-all
and where fewer and fewer cared about what a "cure"
might mean to the one undergoing it.
But how much worse is it to abandon people altogether?
To throw them out on the street with a handful of pills
and nothing else, to deal with a world they don't understand and who does not understand them, and who doesn't have the time or the inclination to care?
To leave them alone, on the street,
with nowhere to go... no place of asylum?
Bipolar versus Normal
Sometimes i wonder what life would
be like if i wasn't bipolar.
What would it be like
to be Normal?
be like if i wasn't bipolar.
What would it be like
to be Normal?
Not like... forever or anything...
but maybe for a day.
An afternoon, perhaps,
or maybe an evening.
but maybe for a day.
An afternoon, perhaps,
or maybe an evening.
How would i react to things i like?
Would i find Beefheart and Dali strange
all of a sudden?
Would i find Beefheart and Dali strange
all of a sudden?
If i was suddenly Normal,
would i find things that usually make me
want to barf suddenly 'cute'?
would i find things that usually make me
want to barf suddenly 'cute'?
Would i find myself more at ease in the world,
or just uneasy in another kind of a way?
Would i stop noticing all the sights and sounds
around me that 'distract' me from 'what's going on'?
Would i think fewer 'dark thoughts'
and more wonderful ones?
Would i feel trapped?
or just uneasy in another kind of a way?
Would i stop noticing all the sights and sounds
around me that 'distract' me from 'what's going on'?
Would i think fewer 'dark thoughts'
and more wonderful ones?
Would i feel trapped?
Or would it all be pretty much the same,
only without the meds?

only without the meds?

a Bipolar-positive perspective?
i've taken somewhere around fifty thousand
photographs in the last ten years or so.
Somewhere along the line it dawned on me
that it was my way of mapping my world...
of capturing a handful of the thoughts that
were racing thru my mind as i wandered around.
photographs in the last ten years or so.
Somewhere along the line it dawned on me
that it was my way of mapping my world...
of capturing a handful of the thoughts that
were racing thru my mind as i wandered around.
On the rare occasions i ever looked at them again
afterwards, i realized that these images were also
a kind of diary.
This was partly due to the fact that i file them away
by date, but it was also because looking at those images
i could tell you where i was that day, and what the day
was like and what else happened that i didn't take
a picture of and so on.
afterwards, i realized that these images were also
a kind of diary.
This was partly due to the fact that i file them away
by date, but it was also because looking at those images
i could tell you where i was that day, and what the day
was like and what else happened that i didn't take
a picture of and so on.
But in the last couple of years i've also found
myself thinking that these images are also a way
of communicating, in some small way, to other
people what one person's bipolar experience
was like sometimes.
This is what the world looks like to me.
myself thinking that these images are also a way
of communicating, in some small way, to other
people what one person's bipolar experience
was like sometimes.
This is what the world looks like to me.
This is what the world looked like to me
wandering around a more tropical zone
than i usually live in ... sort of.
i say "sort of" because my wanderings - and
hence my image-making - are rarely as tidy
or as linear as a posting like this might imply.
Between one plant here and another there
might have been buildings, birds, statuary,
graf, clouds and anything else i might have
stumbled over along the way.
wandering around a more tropical zone
than i usually live in ... sort of.
i say "sort of" because my wanderings - and
hence my image-making - are rarely as tidy
or as linear as a posting like this might imply.
Between one plant here and another there
might have been buildings, birds, statuary,
graf, clouds and anything else i might have
stumbled over along the way.
In that sense, just posting all the images taken
on a given walk would be a more accurate portrait
of a/my bipolar experience*.
At the same time there is something to be said
for a thematic approach too, and respect for one's
audience is one of those things. If one is going
to try and communicate, i think it behooves one
not to waste anybody's time...
including one's own.
i don't spend a lot of time trying to "get" a picture.
i may take two or even three photographs of something
trying to capture what i'm after, but that's it.
If i haven't "got it" by the third shot,
then i'm not really clear on what i'm after.
on a given walk would be a more accurate portrait
of a/my bipolar experience*.
At the same time there is something to be said
for a thematic approach too, and respect for one's
audience is one of those things. If one is going
to try and communicate, i think it behooves one
not to waste anybody's time...
including one's own.
i don't spend a lot of time trying to "get" a picture.
i may take two or even three photographs of something
trying to capture what i'm after, but that's it.
If i haven't "got it" by the third shot,
then i'm not really clear on what i'm after.
Why do you or anyone else need to see
a photograph that i don't think captures "it"?
Likewise, i don't spend a lot of time fussing
with the images once i've got them. i might
tweak the cropping or sweeten the contrast
or the colour, but if it takes more than five minutes
i'll bail... partly because again, if it needs more
work than that i didn't "get it" and need to work
on my skills, not try and fix it in the mix.
As John Lee Hooker used to say...
"That's the best, and later for the garbage".
"That's the best, and later for the garbage".
None of the above has a lot to do with what
was on my mind when i set out to post these.
What i wanted to do was collect some of the images
on this theme where i really felt that i had got "it"...
(or come very close at least) as a way of speaking
to the perspective that most people - including
many of the diagnosed - have about "bipolar disorder".
was on my mind when i set out to post these.
What i wanted to do was collect some of the images
on this theme where i really felt that i had got "it"...
(or come very close at least) as a way of speaking
to the perspective that most people - including
many of the diagnosed - have about "bipolar disorder".
i would not for a minute deny anyone else's
bipolar experience or their right to speak
about it in whatever terms they want,
and likewise for their friends and family,
or medical professionals or who-have-you.
The reason i started this blog was to have
somewhere that i could do exactly that,
and what this post was supposed to be about
is that i really really hate having my life,
my experience of the world characterized
as "a disorder".
bipolar experience or their right to speak
about it in whatever terms they want,
and likewise for their friends and family,
or medical professionals or who-have-you.
The reason i started this blog was to have
somewhere that i could do exactly that,
and what this post was supposed to be about
is that i really really hate having my life,
my experience of the world characterized
as "a disorder".
One of the reasons i hate it so much
is that characterizing this way of being
as a "disorder" can very easily become
a self-fulfilling prophecy.
As soon as one is diagnosed,
one becomes "the other".
Hello stigma.
is that characterizing this way of being
as a "disorder" can very easily become
a self-fulfilling prophecy.
As soon as one is diagnosed,
one becomes "the other".
Hello stigma.
* hmmm... note to self.
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