Mental Illness Awareness Week!

Hey kids...
How was your Mental Illness Awareness Week?

Did you send cards? Make cupcakes?
Did you read a book about mental wellness?
Did you take a loony to lunch?

Me either.

If you're in Canada, you're too late because
it was over today... but if you are n the USA,
it's just getting started so you could do any
or all of the above. I don't know why they are
sequential - maybe so the energy can build
to a fever pitch.


What I - as a mentally ill person - did do
Mental Illness Awareness Week was...

a) be
mentally ill
and b) put this inspirational
quote from Demi
           Lovato on my computer desktop.

Why? Because Ms. Lovato was a good reminder
that awareness-wise, there's a lot of room
for improvement.
In fact, there's so much room for improvement

that perhaps I should not be as cynical
as I actually
am about things like Mental
Illness Awareness Week.

I don't think they do much... partly because I don't
think most people even know they are happening.
Partly because I don't think most people care that
much, or care to learn about it unless it's having
some kind of direct impact on the life, or the life
of someone they love.

Sometimes not even then.   

I guess these things are like chicken soup. They don't
hurt, and they might help some people, some times.
I can't say the earth moved for me. Things around town
seemed much the same as they did last week, and
the week before that.
Life still sucks more than it doesn't most of the time.

Sorry, Demi.

Anyway, there's more special times ahead.
It's Bipolar Disorder Awareness Day on Tuesday-
I think it's gong to be off the hook this year!!!

Here's a list of some other special days,
for special people

...and it's never too early to start planning
for Mental Health Week. May will be upon us
before we know it, eh?


Here's a place where you can learn
more about learning more:

Mental Illness Awareness Week (Canada)


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